more to come on this topic

Doesn't this photo bring you total peace and calm? The year was 2015 - Mike was still working and I was in school to be a certified health coach - we took this trip to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington to determine if we might want to move here after retirement. I'm pretty sure My husband got a cold and I got an expensive speeding ticket - that would stress any one that was on a vacation/hunting for a place to retire - but look at that view! This place was magnificent, I imagine the Garden of Eden looked like the primordial forests surrounding us .
I'm not an expert on stress but I sure have had my own experiences, especially the last few years. I will say that my own experience on solving stress is unique to me. While this short post is about stress I want you to find a little joy when you leave my page, so bear with me while I type what I've learned over the past 40 years.
According to the American Psychological Association, most Americans cope with moderate to high levels of stress on a regular basis.
Many different factors can trigger chronic stress, but the most common include balancing work, family, and household responsibilities, financial worries, and caring for aging parents.
There are also other forms of stress that are more serious and may be triggered by the sudden death of a loved one, experiencing physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, witnessing or participating in war, or being in a car accident.
(I will include: medical mandates, civil unrest around the globe, global pandemics, world governement clown shows and the loss of Freedom as we knew it.)
The past several years have been representative of stress - Pub Med reports, "that the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with distress, anxiety, fear of contagion, depression and insomnia in the general population and among healthcare professionals. Social isolation, anxiety, fear of contagion, uncertainty, chronic stress and economic difficulties may lead to the development or exacerbation of depressive, anxiety, substance use and other psychiatric disorders in vulnerable populations including individuals with pre-existing psychiatric disorders and people who reside in high COVID-19 prevalence areas. Stress-related psychiatric conditions including mood and substance use disorders are associated with suicidal behavior."
The effects of this type of stress can sometimes last for a long time, and may cause other physical and emotional problems to manifest.
STRESS is the body’s natural response to unpleasant, demanding, or destructive events. If stress is not managed properly, it may ultimately lead to long-term, harmful effects on the body. Stress has even been linked to serious conditions later in life.
If that’s not bad enough, stress may cause immediate, unpleasant side effects, including muscle tension, stomach upset, loss of appetite or sleep, excessive worry, low energy, weakened immune system, and low libido.
Stress is not our friend.
But stress IS part of the cost of living in a fallen world. So how do we deal with the inevitable stress in life without being overcome by it?
The good news is there are many wonderful, natural solutions that can aide us in managing the symptoms that result from too much stress in our lives.
I have a few ideas that have helped me these past few years and I would love to share with you: Reach out to a friend that has a compassionate ear; steer clear of 'people fixers'
- Pray and meditate on the Word of God - if you don't have a Bible use the Bible-Gateway app; the Psalms are so helpful and appropriate for the days we are living in. Start by reading the Psalms; if the day is January 5 start with Psalm 5, and go to Psalm 35, Psalm 65, Psalm 95, etc. for every day you wish to read. David was a musician and a King. He went through unspeakable pain and sorrow - 'arrows flying at him by day and terror by night from those that sought to kill him.'
- Epsom salts with baking soda baths; Use 1 cup epsom salts and 3/4 cup baking soda in a hot bath-tub.
- If you need to eat sugar, drink alcohol or have bread choose the BEST and give yourself just enough to satisfy the craving. This will enforce your self-will and teach you that you ARE SPECIAL and WORTHY. (These foods can also be a detrimant, so be careful)
- Take long walks outdoors; (when I walk on the soft sand at the beach, I get my heart rate up by skipping! it brings me such JOY to skip like a little girl!)
- Laugh and dance more; Doing Zumba for free on Google is fun and you'll be laughing soon enough!
- Take up a new hobby; I took up water-color painting, the photo below is my first day of painting, looks pretty bad but using my tactile motor skills felt SO Good
- Use essential oils topically with a non-scented seed oil of choice and/or use a diffuser with 4-5 drops of your favorite from the oils below:
Lavendar, Bergamot, Frankincense, Sandalwood, and Cedarwood
- These oils increase mental alertness and attention.
- Soothes and calms when feeling wound up.
- Encourages positive feelings and emotions.
- Promotes adaptability when facing new surroundings or situations that may be stressful.
- Reminds us to let go of things we can’t control and go more with the flow of life.
- Encourages tranquility when the mind is racing.

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Hypothalamus EMG is amazing to help your mind stop racing at night. I have had great success with this to help me chill out without the affects of a narcotic.
I use Anxie-Tone during the day to calm my anxious heart. At the end of the day I realize I had a Good day and No Anxiousness.
Vegetarian Tryptophan helps me to sleep at night - it works for depressed moods and makes moods more stable. It also reduces extremes in behavior by supporting and helping the balance of certain natural substances (serotonin, melatonin) in the brain. Start with one and see how you do then add another as you get used to what your body needs and wants.
Click on each of the links below to find out more about them.
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Would you like a 15 Discovery session to help you decide what your body needs? Please email me at MariaRicciHealth@gmail.com
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